Jagadeesh N

Working on Big data...

Homepage: https://jagadeesh7n.wordpress.com

Reports in MS Office formats using OpenXML

I had a requirement in my current project to generate dynamic reports in various formats like word, excel, power point (Microsoft office formats). Client asked for power point slides with dynamically generated charts embedded in it and the chart data can be edited. When I goggled for this requirement i came across many tools and frameworks which generate chart as an image where the data cannot be edited. Finally I got the solution using OpenXML. We can generate any kind of reports in MS Office format. We can use OpenXML SDK tool to generate code in .net programming languages and later the code can be modularized to cater our requirement easily.

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Useful Features in LINQ

LINQ Useful Examples

1.       PLINQ

Using AsParallel()


IList<int> sequence = new List<int>();

sequence.AsParallel.Select(x => x);

This will take an advantage of multiple processors.

Internally the data source is partitioned and the query operates on each partition in parallel. In case parallelization is not possible, the query is executed sequentially

2.       Compare two sequences in LINQ

Enumerable. SequenceEqual ()

SequenceEqual() compares the source and target sequences elements, by using the default equality comparer for their type, and returns a Boolean.


Var l1 = new[] {1,2,3,4};

Var l2 = new[] {1,2,3,4,5};

Var result = l1.SequenceEqual(l2);

Console.WriteLine(“Are they Equal?: {0}”, result);

The output will be: False

3.       Listing Classes from current domain which implements IEnumerable

Var t = typeOf(IEnumerable);

Var enumTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()

                                    .SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())

                                    .Where(x => t. IsAssignableFrom(x))

                                                .Select(type => type.FullName)

4.       OuterJoin in LINQ

Using DefaultIfEmpty() keyword


Pulbic class Person


                Public int PersonId {get;set;}

                Public stirng PersonName {get;set;}


Pulbic class PersonPhoneNumber


                Public int PersonId {get;set;}

                Public stirng PhoneNumber{get;set;}


List< Person> persons = new List< Person>();

Persons.Add(new Person()


                                                PersonId = 1,

                                                PersonName = “Jack”


Persons.Add(new Person()


                                                PersonId = 2,

                                                PersonName = “John”


                List< PersonPhoneNumber> personPhoneNumbers = new List<PersonPhoneNumber>();

                personPhoneNumbers.Add(new PersonPhoneNumber()


                                                                                                PersonId = 1,

                                                                                                PersonPhoneNumber = “123534”


                LINQ without OuterJoin

        Var result = (from p in persons

Join pn in personPhoneNumbers

on p.PersonId equals pn.PersonId

Select new {

                                                                        PersonId = p.PersonId,

                                                                        PersonName= p. PersonName,

                                                                        PhoneNumber= pn.PhoneNumber


From above LINQ it will return only on List Item of person id 1


                                        PersonId = 1,

                                        PersonName= “Jack”,

                                         PhoneNumber= “123534”

                If we need to get both the persons result even though personPhoneNumbers collection doest not have data for the PersonId =2

Var result = (from p in persons

Join pn in personPhoneNumbers

on p.PersonId equals pn.PersonId

into allpersons

from ap in allpersons.DefaultIfEmpty()

Select new {

                                                                        PersonId = p.PersonId,

                                                                        PersonName= p. PersonName,

                                                                        PhoneNumber= ap.PhoneNumber


                The result from above query is


                                        PersonId = 1,

                                        PersonName= “Jack”,

                                        PhoneNumber= “123534”


                                        PersonId = 2,

                                        PersonName= “John”,

                                        PhoneNumber= Null

5.       Using Let Keyword in LINQ

Let keyword used in LINQ to keep some value (maybe single or collection) for each object in from keyword in LINQ and same let value can be used in Select block ofLINQ.


var arr = new[] { 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7 };
    var sq = from int num in arr
                    let square = num * num
                    where square > 10
                    select new { num, square };

                foreach (var a in sq)       


Result of Above Code is

{num = 5, square = 25}

{num = 4, square = 16}

{num = 6, square = 36}

{num = 7, square = 49}

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Difference Between Select and SelectMany in LINQ

If we have objects with Enumerable of Enumerable objects then SelectMany keywork in LINQ helps to flatten Enumerable<Enumerable<T>> to Enumrable<T>

Lets See with an example


Public Class Contact


                public string PhoneNumber {get;set;}



public class Person


public string PersonName { get; set; }

public IEnumerable<Contact> Contacts {get;set;}


Adding list of Persons

IEnumerable<Person> persons = new List<Person>();

IEnumerable<Contact> person1Contacts = new List<Contact>();

Contact contact1 = new Contact()


                PhoneNumber = “12345567”


Contact contact2 = new Contact()


                PhoneNumber = “9876656”




Person person1= new Person()


                PersonName = “Jack”

                Contacts = person1Contacts



IEnumerable<Contact> person2Contacts = new List<Contact>();

Contact contact3 = new Contact()


                PhoneNumber = “567234”


Contact contact4 = new Contact()


                PhoneNumber = “06512349”




Person person2= new Person()


                PersonName = “John”

                Contacts = person2Contacts



//Now we have two persons objects in Persons collection

—Using Select Keywork in LINQ—-

Persons.Select(x => x.Contacts)


                Result from above Linq will be having two collection like below







—Using SelectMany Keywork in LINQ—-

Persons.SelectMany(x => x.Contacts)


                Result from above Linq will be having only one collection like below







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ZIP operator in LINQ

ZIP operator in LINQ indroduced in C# 4.0.This operator can zip together two sequences.


Lets consider two sequences

string[] names = {“Jack”,”john”}
int[] ages = {27,35}

names.Zip(ages, (name,age) => name + “is” + age + “years old”)

jack is 27 years old
john is 35 years old

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New Features in Entity Framwork 4.1

ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1 introduces two new features:

  • The DbContext API is a simplified abstraction over ObjectContext and a number of other types that were included in previous releases of the ADO.NET Entity Framework. The DbContext API surface is optimized for common tasks and coding patterns. DbContext can be used with Database First, Model First and Code First development.
  • Code First is a new development pattern for the ADO.NET Entity Framework and provides an alternative to the existing Database First and Model First patterns. Code First is focused around defining your model using C#/VB.NET classes, these classes can then be mapped to an existing database or be used to generate a database schema. Additional configuration can be supplied using Data Annotations or via a fluent API.

References :



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JQuery 1.7 Beta1

Checkout jquery blog below


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T-SQL New and Enhanced Functions

SQL Server introduced new and enhanced function which really helps to avoid some clumpsy coding with existing functions

read out this blog it is really very helpful.


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Adding dropdownlist to telerik mvc grid

If we use AJAX binding for mvc telerik grid binding then to add dropdownlist to telerik grid we should go with ClientTemplate.

find below example where we can bind grid with columns Employee  and Department (as a dropdown list with respective department selected for the employee)


Model Class


Public class YourModel


public string Employee;

public string Department;


Razor View


.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(m => m.Employee);
columns.Bound(m => m.Department);
                        Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Department,Model.Departments).ToHtmlString()
.DataBinding(databinding => { databinding.Ajax().Select("your Action name","Controller Name") })
.ClientEvents(events => { events.OnRowDataBound("OnRowDataBound") })
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnRowDataBound(e) 

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